Friday 12 April 2019

And that's a wrap!

Term 1 has come to an end, and it has been a busy one! Next term we have a lot to look forward to, I cannot wait to share about all the amazing things we will do together as Team 1.
Have a wonderful school holidays and Easter break. I look forward to hearing about all the fun things you have been up too.

Here is our very first class photo, oh how you have grown already!


Last Week Friday we raised money for those struggling with mental health.
Here is a photo of all the wonderful Room 1 and 2 students who came geared up to support others. 

ANZAC Assembly

Congratulations to the wonderful travelwise leaders who received their badges today, they are gigantic! A huge congratulations to the awesome brothers Hamish and Nathan for both receiving a Mana Principals award on the same day, and to Regan S for receiving the Enviro Mana award.
Year 5 and 6 your singing today was absolutely beautiful!!! Hard work really pays off! Regan N you did such a wonderful job with your special role.
 It always makes me proud watching so many members of room 1 head on stage to receive awards or shine with their talents. Thank you again to all the working bee helpers too. You are amazing and we couldn't do it without you.