Thursday 24 October 2019


The students in Room 1 have been busy working on an SVA (student volunteer army) project. Our project includes going to Eastern beach to do a beach clean up and using all the rubbish we collect we are going to recycle it all to make an art sculpture. We are then going to put the sculpture in our school to share awareness about how important our world is to us. To make the art piece we are making the shape of a wave or sea creature with chicken wire, then attaching recyclable or non-recyclable rubbish onto the outside. We are hoping this project will encourage others to pick up litter and #Saveourworld!

Today a notice will be sent home with all the information about the beach clean up project and date! We really need 6 parents helpers to be able to go!

By Shiloh, Tait and Grace

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Sanajan Wins an Empathy award!

Congratulations to Sanajan for receiving one of the first Sunnyhills Empathy Awards for Term 4!
We have been so impressed with you!

By Robert and Hamish

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Self belief Award!

Congratulations Cade on receiving the very last principal's award for Term 2!
I have been so impressed with your enthusiasm to participate in all school activities. It is great to see you stepping out of your comfort zone!

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Art Week Teaser

Here is a teaser for Room 1's absolutely stunning artwork.
 We are very proud of our work and are happy to explain how we did it and why we made the creative decisions we did.

Make sure to download a QR code reader app on your phone (there are plenty available).
This way you can scan the codes and find out a little bit more!

Underwater Maori Art by Room 1

If you haven't had a chance to see the beautiful artwork created by Room 1, this week is your chance!
I am looking forward to seeing you at the conferences.
Here are a few pieces picked by the class for the blog!
Anita's Awesome artwork
Laura's lively Octopus
Carter's creative whale
Krish's Kool squid

Lucy's lovely dolphin
Tait's terrific turtle

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Congratulations Carter and Anita

Well done Carter and Anita for your efforts over the last few weeks. You have inspired others with your artwork and gone above and beyond to present your best work!

Well done, we are all very proud of you!

Jammies in June!

Last week Sunnyhills had a Jammies day to raise funds for Middlemore hospital!
Over 300 pairs of pajamas were donated and we raised a total of $1,255.50 This was an incredible effort from the school.
On top of all that we were able to wear our pajamas to school!

Here is a photo of Room 1 and our Buddies Room 21 al comfortable in our Jammies!

Friday 31 May 2019

Marae at the museum

On Friday the 17th May Year 6's went to the Auckland museum. We all went into the Marae for a lesson. We learned that every pattern, weave or carving on the walls had a special meaning or a story behind it. This weave is similar to the Sunnyhills learning pit, in life you need to continue to climb up the stairs to succeed and grow.

By Lily R


Talofa, On Friday 17 May, Room 1 and the whole Kauri Whanau went to the Auckland museum! We made some Ula's out of fabric flowers, paper straws, and string. First, we got a piece of string and put 2 pieces of straw on them. Then we put a flower on it, and we repeated that until we had 8 flowers on the Ula. They looked amazing when they were finished!

Happy Samoan Language week!

By Lucy S

Congratulations Sophie and Nicole!

Well done to these lovely ladies for overcoming obstacles and challenging yourself in Mathematics!
You have continued to use a growth mindset and pushed yourself to learn all you can.
Well done!


Last Week was Walk to school week! 
Room 1 did a fabulous job of looking after their buddies in room 21!

Friday 24 May 2019

Well Done Lucy G!

Lucy, I have been so impressed with your self-belief over the last few weeks. You have a wonderful sense of humour and can always look on the bright side! Well done for taking on board feedback and taking risks with your learning.

I am so proud.
Love from Mrs Cometti

Our Helpful Students!

Well Done to Bodhi and Quinn for receiving the Latest Kauri whanau awards. You are both wonderful role models. I was so impressed with your empathy and willingness to help out with the girl's soccer team. 

Thank You!

Friday 3 May 2019


Laura, you have really persevered in Maths this week. You have shown Room 1 what it means to just keep going until you get it! Remember to keep a positive attitude towards learning.
We are so proud of you! 

Friday 12 April 2019

And that's a wrap!

Term 1 has come to an end, and it has been a busy one! Next term we have a lot to look forward to, I cannot wait to share about all the amazing things we will do together as Team 1.
Have a wonderful school holidays and Easter break. I look forward to hearing about all the fun things you have been up too.

Here is our very first class photo, oh how you have grown already!


Last Week Friday we raised money for those struggling with mental health.
Here is a photo of all the wonderful Room 1 and 2 students who came geared up to support others. 

ANZAC Assembly

Congratulations to the wonderful travelwise leaders who received their badges today, they are gigantic! A huge congratulations to the awesome brothers Hamish and Nathan for both receiving a Mana Principals award on the same day, and to Regan S for receiving the Enviro Mana award.
Year 5 and 6 your singing today was absolutely beautiful!!! Hard work really pays off! Regan N you did such a wonderful job with your special role.
 It always makes me proud watching so many members of room 1 head on stage to receive awards or shine with their talents. Thank you again to all the working bee helpers too. You are amazing and we couldn't do it without you.

Friday 29 March 2019

Kauri Whanau Certificate

Well Done Doris and Regan N for showing Mana and representing the year 6's with pride. You are wonderful wet day monitors. I am so impressed with your leadership!

Monday 25 March 2019

Did you hear about the leeches?

Did you hear about the leeches at Lakewood lodge?

Did you even know we had native bloodsucking leeches called Segmented worm in New Zealand?
Well, I didn't until it happened. The leeches were gripping on with all there might sucking away at Mrs.
Cometti. The leeches can suck 20 - 45 minutes at a time, sucking up to 15 milliliters of blood.
Did you know that leeches have 32 brains? That’s a lot of brains right!
The reason is, that the internal structure (brain) is split into 32 pieces and each piece has its own
segment of brain. The Segmented Leeches can grow up to 15-30 mm long in size.

 Mrs. Cometti’s leg covered in leeches!

By: Regan.N, Doris, Lucy.S and Lily.R

Sunday 24 March 2019

Camp Poetry


Children Screaming, Rope Hanging, Wind Blowing, Harness Tightening, Carabiner Clipping, Rain Dropping, Wheels Rolling, Competitors Racing, Lines Screeching, Groups Kayaking, Hands Gripping, Students Cheering!

By Liam and Hamish

Come in and check out our camp photos and published poems :)

Friday 22 March 2019


Last month I had an awesome day at camp doing archery! The instructor told me to complete three steps before shooting the arrow, so I did. The first step was stand sideways then put the bow on your foot, next you put the arrow in and the last step was to pull the bow and shoot.

I GOT SO CLOSE TO THE BULLSEYE!!! Then I got a cross arrow. A cross arrow is when you shoot an arrow and make a cross with it it was so cool. I saw another person get a cross arrow, Carter did to. The next time I tried I completely failed. I shot it past the target and I shot over it too, that was quite embarrassing.

Even though I nearly got both a BULLSEYE and a cross arrow I only got 4 total points.    

Congratulations Shiloh

Well Done to Shiloh! 
She has received a Mana principals award for contributing positively to our caring class culture.

A student in room 1 recommended you receive the award today because they have been so moved by your support and help this week. 
Room 1 is lucky to have such a fantastic, caring role model!

The Haunted Trail

Come check out our Camp poetry in Class.
Room 1 has done a fabulous job!

The Mysteries of the muddy waters

Then there's me, Quinn, waiting at the front of the line. "Go, Go, Go!" screams Mrs. Crowl. I dash to the mud-slide. I role under the first log, I role under the second log. Running through the slimy mucky mud water I am already covered in mud. I lie down, leechers, leechers, suck my blood. I crawl under the rope then... SNAP!! I roll my ankle, I scream for help, I can't move. With leechers all over me, I limp to our group bench and Lily R's mum rests ice on my leg. A few minutes later Sophie comes along covering her leg!
I wonder... did the Leechers do it?

By Quinn

Friday 15 March 2019

Sea Week activities!

Last week was sea week but we were so busy working on camp activities we didn't get started till this week!

One of our first activities was measuring the different lengths of well known New Zealand whales and dolphins out on the school field. We measured each others height and compared that with different dolphin lengths to see who was the closest to each size! 

We even made estimates of how many of us it would take to make the length of a blue whale! 

Here is a photo of use creati g the size and shape of a brydes whale that Mrs Cometti came across in the Hauraki Gulf 😮 HOW CRAZY!

Next week we will continue on our sea week Inquiry and graphs!

Friday 1 March 2019

Well Done Loretta

Congratulations Loretta for receiving the first GEMS award/ Principals award for the year!

I have been very impressed with how you have used your Mana this week, always contributing to class discussions and giving it your best.

We are so proud of you!

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Groups 1-4 Spectacular Survival⛺

When we arrived at Survival we were all puffed because we had to carry our bags from camp. Even though it was a two-minute walk.

At the mud run Mr Jaksic dunked Lily J in the muddy water.

Mrs Spooner and her Group, and Mr Jaksic and his Group had a race to try burning the string above the fire. Mrs Spooner and Group two won.🏆

On Survival Night 2 Lily R was lucky enough to have her mum Mrs R join her in the mud run!

How lucky are we to have such cool camp Mum's and Dad's!

Click on the link below to watch us roasting marshmallows. 😋

By Lily J, Tait & Mrs Cometti

Monday 25 February 2019

Lucy, Loretta and Laura At Horse Riding

Last week the year six's went on a camp and one of the activities was horse riding.
We had a lot of fun because they were so soft and we could even control where they go. 
They have been trained very well so that they don't hurt anyone, even some kids got to groom them. we wore gumboots to protect our feet from the dirt. 
Did you know that a male horse is called a stallion and a female is called a mare.

By Loretta, Lucy G & Laura  

Leaving to Camp

We were both looking forward to going to camp and doing all the heart pumping activities. Especially Horse riding because we both really like horses and riding them too.

The instructors Claire and Fabian were really nice to us and told us how to ride the horses well. We rode Spice and Alfie. Who did you ride?

By Lily R & Lucy S

Rock climbing with Group 3 and Jade

Climbing was sooo fun!
Jade the instructor got us to set realistic goals so we could reach them. For some people, it was climbing to the top of the 12-meter wall and ringing the bell!!!!

We got pep talks from our team, Mrs Cometti, and Jade if we felt like we were stuck. I (Shiloh) overcame my fear of heights and had to trust myself and the belayer.
I (Nicole) had to think about where to put my hand next and try not to look down, in the end I was proud of myself and reached my goal!


By Nicole & Shiloh

Thursday 21 February 2019

We Survived 💪

We Survived!! 
It was an early morning start at survival for groups 5, 6, & 7. 
I'm not sure how much sleep we all got. During the night we could hear dogs, trucks (still not as loud as the snoring), swans, cows, sheep, coughing, sleep talking and a lot of rustling from mysterious creatures.

Wednesday 20 February 2019


Loretta and Lucy having the best time in the mud run! 

I'm sure they can tell you all about it,,, 

Survival 🏕️

Groups 5, 6, 7 have made it to survival!

Big Ben (our survival specialist) has played some games, got us to come up with group names and chants and right now is teaching us how to light a fire! 

A fire needs 3 elements Fuel, Oxygen and heat to start and stay alive.

To light the fire we need to use flint, steel to create heat, cotton balls, newspaper and kindling as fuel and oxygen!

We even have to hunt for our own firewood soon! 

Tuesday 19 February 2019

The Trip

The year 6's looking full of anticipation for what camp could bring. Boy Oh boy have they settled in quickly!!!
Make sure you ask about the camp song when we get back 😉
Mrs Cometti's voice is already disappearing! 🎶


Kayaking was the highlight of my day! My favourite activity was a game called 'Playing the Piano'.
The aim is to run across the front of the kayaks as fast as you can WITHOUT falling in! I had to have a second go but was determined to complete the challenge.
(Yes I did it!)
Remember to use your growth mindset when taking on new challenges! 

By Mrs Cometti